“JustMakeMeCry is a musical project fronted by Dairrien Call, and has many contributors from his close friend group. If you like dreampop aesthetics, pop sensible lyrics, and giant walls of sound, then they might be the band for you.”
If you are a fan of Z Tapes, the renowned music label, then you probably have already heard of JustMakeMeCry. I must say, Dairrien’s music has captivated me for a long time. In the past, I had the pleasure of collaborating with Dairrien on a cassette release, which was an absolute joy. Although we have sold out of some of the cassettes, we still have a few available. So, if you are interested, feel free to contact me. I have been listening to Dairrien’s newer music, which has a more shoegaze vibe, and it has been nothing short of spectacular. The new singles are incredibly promising, and I am eagerly anticipating the next album. Maybe we’ll bring it on cassettes once again.
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