Toronto, Ontario’s Jordaan Mason is one of the most hard-working singer-songwriters in the game, and if their own Bandcamp page full of projects don’t prove it, what will? This year alone, Mason dropped three projects, and managed to drop this very song in the beginning of September. All there is to say is that if you have problems figuring out where the hell to start in their discography, this ten-minute song is not a bad way to start.
The best way to describe this is if Neutral Milk Hotel listened to Lambchop or Wilco and improvises an epic ten-minute song that only manages to start sweetly and swells as big as a balloon by the 6-minute mark. By the time you reach the 7-minute mark, you suddenly get an uplifting sendoff via synth pads. Not a single minute is wasted on anything that isn’t necessary for the song’s progression.
Writtten by mynameisblueskye