Billiam’s Bandcamp describes his music as “autism core”. You are left with two thoughts: this is music to demonstrate the sensation of what it is like to have autism or that autism can be kind of a joke. Thankfully, not one member is dense enough to take that route. Billiam’s brand of energetic, space punk—you can argue that Animation Cel fits the “egg punk” label, which is the music that blends garage rock, bratty punk and synthpunk—is the kind of full-length that solidifies sounds and helps to kick off future trends.
Every song on the album carries an energy that ranges from nervous to electric, if not turning you into a full-on rocketship to the moon, which will guarantee a live show filled with sweaty kids and adults. Songs like “Maneater Three”, the hardcore-adjacent “Carrot in Your Hand” and “Maid Dress”, a song that sounds like a catchy throwback to the days when you discovered artists/bands like Jay Reatard and Black Lips, are songs made to get you to bounce off the walls if you aren’t already frozen in place due to extra stimuli. Only four songs cross the 2-minute point, but you don’t need much to get you in gear.
If you care at all about genre politics and meaning, tracks like “Cortisol” and “Maid Dress” are both more garage punk than egg punk, but what matters here is less categorization than the fact that the album is audio coffee with a few sugar cubes. If that is what you are looking for, then by all means, go crazy. Limber yourself up first. Calisthenics is important.
Written by mynameisblueskye