I’ve always been a sucker for a good chorus in a rock song, I mean who isn’t? There’s something so cathartic when a wall of sound hits your ears, championed by an irresistibly catchy vocal line. In this regard, Soot Sprite’s newest single does not disappoint! Delivering a brutally honest anthem that takes the once lo-fi bedroom pop project to impressive heights, with the trio drawing comparisons to bands like Basement, Great Grandpa, and Sweet Pill. The last of which Elise Cook, the band’s Singer / Guitarist, cites as a direct inspiration for their new record.
From the cold open of Cook’s warbly confessions to the enveloping chorus, the Exetier band strikes a great balance between melody and mayhem. Thundering drums move under Cook’s emotive voice until she is nestled comfortably between walls of distorted guitars and cymbals, tickling the pleasure centers of your brain with the melancholic “If your escapism is a sign”. Delivering a song that will be bouncing around in my head until their album, Wield Your Hope Like A Weapon, drops May 16 via Specialist Subject.
Written by Lando Flakes