Single: Solid Blood – All I Need

Songwriter and multi-instrumentalist Graham W. Bell has conjured up a gloriously understated slice of hippy-folk evoking, hypnotic bedroom rock in new song All I Need – the first single from Solid Blood’s debut offering, Western Sun (out on October 24th). It’s a beautiful piece of subdued song craft whose melody circles, surrounds and ultimately mesmerises – those casual acoustic strings strummed in thirsty, raga-like loops that draw you intently in. Deft drumming adds further to the swaying, subtle intensities – played with generous restraint by Bradford Krieger. There’s control here despite its sleepy, stoned atmospheres. 

It’s a lovely, Thicker Than A Smoky evoking thing and one that offers surprising depth with each return listen. Vocally delicate, double tracked and affecting without ever being over emoted, its lyrics offer simple snapshots – diary fragments – that develop a reserved intensity that’s somehow more than the sum of its parts. There’s a roughness to the production too – that breathes life into the song’s spaces and when the simple, tremulous instrumental sections arrive it allows for the evidently rich musicianship to shine through. It’s a beauty. 

All I Need (out now as a digital download) is a worthy entry point to an e.p that is sure to deliver. Solid Blood is certainly one to watch. 

Written by M.A Welsh (Misophone)

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