It is always lovely coming across music you know will be with you for years to come. I have been lucky enough to come across many records in recent months that have made a significant impact on me, SNAKEY DUBLAY’s, PAINS WORLD DEMOS EP being one of them. It is absurd to me that the lo-fi rock outfit is not more popular, combining the haziness of shoegaze with the heavy grooves of grunge, all upheld with extreme vocals by Colin Dawson. Think of the heady theatrics of SPIRIT OF THE BEEHIVE, with the vocal stylings of British post-punk band, Shame. This marriage is best showcased on ‘SLEEPING PILLS’, a winding alt-rock song that thunders over climactic fake-outs, with a sense of dark cynicism that falls over the debut release. 

This is a very fun release, one I shall be returning many times. SNAKEY DUBLAY clearly has a strong artistic point of view, demonstrated by the choice of images for their artwork, as well as through their individual lens of indie-rock, and I for one am excited to see what lies in store for the future. 

Written by Callum Foulds