We have previously featured Aizat Haris’s music on our blog and have been discussing the possibility of collaborating in the future. It’s worth mentioning that Clippy, who is a friend of Aizat, has been collaborating on a song with him. They have been working closely on this project, exchanging music ideas and both contributing to the vocals. As Clippy says, the song is: “a call to the void, an ask from above, a promise to continue going on. It was one of the first times I had really tackled my relationship with religion head on in a song and it felt very substantial to me.” This song is an exquisite example of dreamy indie pop, featuring captivating and melodious jangly guitars, an irresistibly catchy melody, and truly stunning vocals. It possesses a quality that is not only memorable but also has the potential to become a staple in anyone’s summer playlist.
Aizat Haris
Written by Filip Zemcik