Never let anyone tell you there isn’t anything punk about ukulele and glockenspiel, especially if the intent was to write a tender song about how inconvenient it is to dream about being romantically involved with a good friend, and how something as small as such dream can potentially ruin a great friendship. We have all had those moments, no?
Anywho, lyrics such as “this ain’t a fuckin’ love song, but goddamn it, I love you” and lyrics describing the ways that said friend has helped them out makes such song both heartfelt and heartbreaking when lyrics describe the need for said platonic interest to scoot elsewhere. “Tell your mom I say hello, And tell your sister too/You deserve to feel the love/However that love comes to you,” Brianna sings, not quite promising the song or its intended party a happy ending, but reassuring that such incident and misleading feelings of romance don’t have to completely destroy everything.
The love is platonic, and the arrangement is just sweet enough for it to communicate such.
Written by mynameisblueskye