Filip’s Quick Single Picks: Mirà, POSER BEATS, Mikey Demilio, Kalina Tyne

Mirà – 9.19&0

I have been working on our relaxing playlist and I am glad it is slowly building up. I have also realized that not all studying music can be relaxing for me, somehow I liked dreamy softer music and not often I can find one that suits me well. This beatmaker not only makes music but also curates a playlist. I will try to find some time to check it and maybe I will find some music that will fit into our playlist. In the meantime, get a cup of coffee and chill with this music. You can find more music on Spotify.

POSER BEATS – Transmit Success

“This song is, I suppose, about being able to get up every day and face a world that isn’t fair. The power of positive thought is, conceptually, quite appealing. But in reality, it’s complete bullshit if that’s the only thing you have. You can transmit success into the universe as much as you want, you’re still going to have some bad days, and feel stuck every now and then. I guess this song is really about the fact that life is tough, and beautiful, but still it’s hard. I wrote and recorded this myself, for myself. So part of it is about filling our time with something we love, just for the sake of it. Success be damned.” This song reminds me a little bit of the Smiths, even though I have never been a huge fan, I like the style of Morrissey’s vocals. This artist is from Canada so I am glad to share another music from my favorite country. It is a nice summer slacker indie rock track. You can find more music on Spotify.

Mikey Demilio – Gate Keepers

“New Jersey songwriter living in Nashville, Tennessee.” I have shared Mikey’s music before because of the color of his voice, somehow it has been really captivating. Also, his indie pop is pretty chill and quite soothing for the summer vibes. I am liking the slacker rock vibes as well, kinda of a track you will listen to in a store and you will just enjoy it. Just a nice summer indie bop. You can find more music on Spotify.

Kalina Tyne – you in a past life

“You in a past life” is an endeavor of friendships new and old, with lush harmonies arranged by long-time friend to Tyne, Ashley Bowman, cover art shot in Nashville by friend-of-the-artist Rachel Swanson and produced by past-collaborator Diego Ferrera. Tyne asserts, “This song has always been special to me, but the fact that so many friends from various stages of my life got to work on it with me encapsulates the very soul of the lyrics.” Los Angeles and Nashville-based singer/songwriter Kalina Tyne landed in my mailbox once again and even though it is more mainstream-sounding pop, as a swiftie, I can fully enjoy it. If you are a fan of indie folk / alt-pop and good songwriting, you will enjoy this new track for sure. A really nice addition to our playlists. You can find more music on Spotify.