EP: Nymphlord – Mothers Cry And Then We Die.

Raised in the wooded foothills of Northern California, Nymphlord bubbled up from a unique brew of 90’s alt rock, misty bush-whacked trail walks, Britney Spears crop tops, dog bites turned scars, and dust-covered pom poms. A singer-songwriter and producer, Nymphlord developed her grating but ethereal sound by trying to reverse engineer otherworldly (and pricey) plugins on her bedroom floor while plucking an acoustic guitar.

Influenced by whisper-in-your-ear punk performances combined with an unshakeable love of top 40 radio, the Nymphlord sound is angsty, ethereal, hopeful, and dissonant. Danceable, even when the lyrics are low and the mic is too close. Persistently intimate, acoustic strums morph into cavernous electric screams and feminist themes are explored through the lens of little moments both romantic and platonic.

For her first single and video Nymphlord chose Stinks 4 Lyfe, a visceral song, in her own words: “It was the day after Roe v Wade was overturned; I was holding my feelings hostage, only granting them permission to slip out in small melodic runs. Most songs I write are patchworked together over the course of a few weeks or even months, but this one unraveled right away. I kept the original vocal take on the final track to preserve that initial frustration, anger, helplessness turned determination. If you listen closely, you’ll also find a relic from that day: looping chirps from a flock of feral parrots that live outside my window, which served as the inspiration for the song’s title. It was a shitty day, but for me making this song helped process a dark time”

I have written about Nymphlord’s music here and here and I was looking forward to this EP which is released on the great indie label Lauren Records on CDs.

I have been enjoying the bedroom pop infused with indie rock and some folky vibes. Nymphlord’s vocals give songs a really nice final touch, which makes them great fresh indie tracks.

The EP has 5 tracks, but every song could stand alone as a solid single. The listening experience is enjoyable from the beginning to the end and I love how fresh, playful, and catchy this music is.

If you are still not convinced, just give the EP a listen and you will love it. I am enjoying it very much and will give it a revisit later on just to get into it even more.

This is an EP you can show to any of your friends looking for some new fresh indie music. I think you will turn them into Nymphlord’s fans pretty easily.

I talked to Nymphlord and asked our 3 questions:

What inspired you to start making music and what keeps you making music?

I’m a really antsy, high-energy person but I find the vocal vibrations that happen internally while singing to be really relaxing. As a kid I used to sing these wordless, melody-less, made-up songs like 8 hours a day (my lucky family!!!) and I guess eventually I figured I should throw some real words in for good measure. And it stuck!

Now that I’ve been doing it for a while, the feeling at a live show is what drives me to keep going. I can be a bit disconnected from my own emotions, but I always cry at concerts. It’s just such a great release. I’m motivated by the idea that my music and shows can provide that same relief and sense of community to others.

What was the most challenging thing in your music (artistic) path?

Consistently re-overcoming the fear that it’s too late. Which is funny given that even if it were too late, I would still keep doing it…

What would you dream to do if anything was possible?

I definitely wish I could fly. I’ve always loved being up high, maybe because I’m so short. Or maybe because I’m hungry for power! Either way, that’s what I would pick. Sorry, I didn’t go with world peace this time.

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