1-800-MIKEY is back with a brand new album, DIGITAL PET. This record serves as the Sydney-based already-been-chewed-bubblegum-pop outfit’s follow up to their 2022 album, PLUSHY. A concise and potent distillation of catchy, energetic lo-fi party rockers, these tunes don’t hide behind any studio slickery or trickery. Just raw no-frills, fully-exposed riffy bops, the way rock n’ roll is supposed to be.
The speakers get blown out right from the get go with “RENTAL GIRLFRIEND”, which is an ode to a potentially profligate relationship soundtracked by a tightly tangled ball of chugging distorted guitars, great riffs, condensed vocals, maybe a toy organ in there sometimes?, and artfully submerged, rhythmic drumming that makes the instrumentation feel like it is one fuzzy and frayed homogeneous organism.
The slightly more jangly approach of “W.F.H” showcases one of the tracklist’s many catchy and repeating guitar riffs. These are also found on “JAPAN”, and album standout “SEVENTH HEAVEN”, whose riff mirrors the verse’s vocal line before returning to the opening riff to drive home the mesmerizing and hypnotic guitar notes. The minimalist guitar solo of the title track further exemplifies the group’s ability to effectively use a couple of notes to express such emotion.
Less is more with this 21 minute scuzzy romp. Like most good things in life, DIGITAL PET’s brevity makes it that much more special. Like fellow Aussies, Gee Tee, 1-800-MIKEY is striking a resonant chord in the proto-punk caveman rock that seems to proliferate from Down Under.
DIGITAL PET is available now digitally and on vinyl from Under the Gun (US) and Erste Theke Tontraeger (Euro). Listening to 1-800-MIKEY is a good call!
Written by John Brouk