EP: rocket ’97 – rocket ’97 sampler

Another band from our compilations, this time from Let’s Save Topshelf Records Compilation. This is their debut EP consisting of songs that have been recorded in the past two years. The songs are fresh bedroom lo-fi rock (or bedroom lo-fi pop), whatever you want to call it. They are coming from St. Petersburg, Florida, but this is basically all I know about this band, as always it does not bother me. The Internet is a beautiful place where you can listen to music by “strangers” and just focus purely on the music itself. I am doing it always and it is the best way for me to fully enjoy the listening experience. These 4 tracks are a great start for this new band and I am excited to listen to more music in the future. For now, let’s join my ride on this lo-fi wave…

You can follow the band on Bandcamp.