On New Year’s Day, 2025, Panoramic View, backed by the Sunshine Melodies manifested into the world a revolutionary new year’s resolution of peace and tranquility, in the form of a mindful, tranquil instrumental reggae album designed to refocus us as we enter 2025. Twelve serene tracks, named for the 12 months of the year, an album 20 minutes and 25 seconds long, to symbolize the year, each month its own reggae rhythm and melody. If you pick up the album on Bandcamp, it comes with a downloadable 12-month calendar, with art to represent the songs as much as the music.
I often popped this album on when I was going for a drive, and let myself zone out to the pianos, synths, and organs laying smooth Melodies over cyclical percussive beats, occasionally finding myself a little more excited as January or April started playing, or imagining simple peaceful walks in the woods during June. At times I feel K.K. Slider vibes, even though it’s not that similar at all- I just feel like running through Animal Crossing with this soundtrack.
While this ventures far from what I normally listen to or write about, I have to give a lot of kudos for doing something different- not just different for me, but in general. An album designed to mirror the year, with symbolism in everything, creating a calendar for the album, and naming the tracks after the months. Making inner peace be revolutionary.
Sit back, relax, and center yourself. Live to fight another day.
Written by Gimp Leg