The amount of killer shoegaze coming out of Ohio lately should be studied immediately. NIIGHTS, based out of Cleveland, has released a single for the first time in 5 years, and WOW it was entirely worth the wait.
Statelines has completely taken over my headphones in the past few days. What sets it apart from a lot of other tracks at the moment is the story we’re told in this piece. Written by Jenna Fournier and Frankie Maraldo, this song about escapism is portrayed in a fresh, new way that piqued my interest right away.
In Statelines, we’re told of a place called the Straylight, a reference to a VR game developed by Dr. Bloc, one of Fournier’s friends. This escape from your own harrowing reality and into the Straylight is more than welcomed at first, but you soon find out that this new “reality” you’ve chosen is not much different than the one you decided to leave.
To survive, you must navigate through unforeseen traps, mazes, and crushing heartbreak…sound familiar?
There’s so much to chew on during this track; the vocals are dreamy and angelic, the instrumental is hypnotic, and you’re slammed right back into the 90s, but with a modern and original twist.
With lyrics like, “A hole in the woods / Oh my God, I’m falling backwards”, I’m reminded of a sort of Alice-in-Wonderland-style portal hidden inconspicuously amongst the brush, awaiting its next batch of unlucky travelers.
What we always fail to remember about escapism, is that once we’re back in the real world, back from our vacation…the terrors we avoided are still here waiting for us. Check out the latest single, Statelines, from NIIGHTS, and wander through the portal to see for yourself.
But for real, is there something in the water in Ohio? Looks like it’s time for me to plan a visit!
Written by Newt Fangs