Single: Indica in Decay – Salvia at Subway

Indica in Decay is an experimental punk band from the Bay Area bringing a full-fledged synth-rock opera to the airwaves, and artwork to coincide. They released Act One in 2023, a story of Indica, a fame-obsessed newfound owner of a magical guitar, Excalibur, capable of writing perfect songs and bringer of tragedies.

Salvia at Subway slots somewhere between Act 1 and Act 2, in the interlude.

Salvia at Subway begins with an electronic beat with synth keys layered before dark gravelly vocals as A second set of vocals overlays somewhat disorienting. Salvia is lamenting that their friends never make it to their shows, but they have enough weed to drive around high eating day-old Subway and to show up at tonight’s show black out drunk.  Where Salvia ends up in Act Two is yet to be seen, but things are not promising right now. 

Act one featured 5 songs, and can be purchased with an Illustrated zine covering the narrative of the first plot and is available on cassette. 

While I don’t listen to experimental synth punk, the story is compelling and the creative concepts are exciting. This is 100% worth supporting.

Written by Gimp Leg