Single: Fleeting Colours – Sling

Montreal shoegaze outfit, Fleeting Colours offer a stunning soundscape with their new single, ‘Sling’. It marks the band’s second single, and second ever release; from the sound of it, Fleeting Colours sound as if they are ready to make waves in the Montreal shoegaze scene. The vocals are crisply ambient; the guitars are jangly; the overall production is noisy and soaring, the chorus a crushing wave of sound. Fleeting Colours sound like a band who have been studying their music; ‘Sling’ wouldn’t feel out of place on Slowdive’s debut, Just for a Day, and they are clearly indebted to such a band. 

If you’re a fan of glacial yet atmospheric dream-pop, then ‘Sling’ by Fleeting Colours should definitely be added to your playlists. 

Written by Callum Foulds