Single: Fish in the Elevator – Down Under

“So ungwöhnlich wie ihr Name sind auch – FISH IN THE ELEVATOR – eine Indie-Rockband aus Bonn. Seit 2020 spielen Joshua, Alvar, Paul, Clara und Malin die fünf Mitglieder der Band, in einer klassischen Band-Garage in der Bonner Altstadt. Um Fish In the Elevator mit wenigen Worten zu beschreiben: energiegeladen, emotional und auf alle Fälle jung. Inspiration findet die junge Band in den DIY-Musikern ihrer Zeit.”

“Dreamy, drunk-feeling shoegaze song with a catchy chorus and a heavy breakdown towards the end with mixed female and male vocals.”

I was hoping that you could brush up your German language skills, just as I did when I came across this incredible band from Bonn that plays dream pop shoegazers. The band is simply fantastic, and I’m thrilled to share their music with you. I discovered that they have been following Z Tapes in the past, which made me even happier, but it’s their music that truly stands out. I’ve listened to a lot of shoegaze and dream pop songs, but this one, in particular, has captured my heart more than anything else I’ve heard in weeks. I love the way the song transitions between heavier shoegaze parts and slower dream pop parts, culminating in an excellent track that exudes a lot of energy. I’ve replayed it countless times just to soak it all in. It’s easily my favorite shoegaze track of the year so far, and I am excited to hear more from this band. They are definitely destined for a bright future in the world of shoegaze.