Released on October 25, 2024, “I Need You to Kill Me” by Ditzy Spells has completely taken over my brain and my speakers. The track is two minutes and forty seconds long and I wish it was longer – honestly, I’d take thirty minutes of it! “I Need You to Kill Me” is the second release from Ditzy Spells, a California-based band, and I am so excited for whatever they put out next. Ditzy Spells utilizes a ‘90s-2000s emo/rock sound that is so nostalgic while also capturing elements of the sounds of the current emo scene, creating this blend of sound that is both perfect for dancing around and for reminiscing on your younger years. Ditzy Spells has this incredible ability to completely capture a listener – there is so much fun, so much energy in their tracks that you are forced to, at first, just stop everything and listen. But, after that first play-through, you can’t help but feel the energy coursing through you. It’s not just the sound that’s fun, but the lyrics are, too, with “I wanna be happy, I wanna be whole, so I need you to kill me” leading us into the track. The writing is so reminiscent of the way that late ‘90s through late 2000s emo songs are written, lyrics-wise, and that adds to the nostalgic feeling. With an incredibly fun melody and nostalgic sound, Ditzy Spells is rocketing towards becoming a DIY staple.
Written by Valor