EP: Lake Michigan – At Home

“This is a collection of new versions of older songs. We recorded this at home while preparing for a show. It is a hint at what is to come stylistically. I hope you enjoy it.”

I have known Chris, who is known as Lake Michigan, for a significant period. I can still recall the moment when we first collaborated and launched Gleaming on cassettes via Z Tapes. Since then, I have been captivated by his music, and it has gradually become a personal favorite of mine. Our partnership has resulted in numerous releases, and Chris even performed at our Z Tapes festival. Our bond grew stronger, and we became good friends. I value our friendship very much.

When Chris showed interest in contributing to our blog, my joy knew no bounds. He has since written several impressive articles, which you can read here. Although his music may not be the easiest to comprehend initially, it is undoubtedly beautiful and worth your attention. I have had the privilege of experiencing his live performances, which were truly magical.

Few artists hold the same level of significance to me as Chris, and I wish we were located on the same continent to spend more time together. Nonetheless, I am ecstatic that he continues to create beautiful music, and I eagerly await his upcoming releases.

I hope we will bring one of his next releases onto cassettes as well.

Without further ado, here is his newest single:

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