It doesn’t start with a power chord; it doesn’t start with feedback; there’s not much of a crescendo. Just a few strums, the hint of a guitar lead, and the proclamation of “I fucking suck at drums!” Before the next song kicks in, Grand Rapids’ Harper Kill has set the scene and, well, given us a taste. That first burst of flavor colors the ensuing 18 minutes of sing-a-longs, harmonies and guitarmonies, jocular lyrics, and hell, even some drums that don’t fucking suck.
“Death and Taxes” welcomes us into the fold by requesting gracious death by execution. The only way towards sensory freedom from stagnation and numbness, or any freedom at all, seems to be a metaphorical bullet or swift kick in the head. It reeks of familiar discontent without any of the expected malice. Listless frustration carries through singer-songwriter Dylan Perkins, in words and vocal delivery, without forgetting to clear out a bit of room for bemusement. The shit thrown at us by the world often feels cosmically comedic in its entropic glee. Who the hell rolls down their window just to scream obscenities at pedestrians? More people than you’d expect, including pickup driver from “Chinese Restaurant.”
A Taste of Harper Kill finds much of its uplift in the rattling trio of guitarist John Kramer, bassist Royce Lloyd, and drummer Nick Harvey. Whether it’s the Thin Lizzy-esque shredding and pick-it-up breakdown of “Daguerrotype,” a lyrically melancholic recollection of long-gone of a then-young grandfather sent off to war, or “BLOAT,” a boisterous fuck-off mailed to a toxic friend with a disdainfully-blown kiss, the band rushes forward headfirst and nearly takes flight. With tongue planted firmly in-cheek, Harper Kill mixes classic rock and pop punk to fist-pumping success. The subtle emotion of Perkins’ lyrics might slip by on a first listen, probably because you’re already busy singing along. If these songs are only the appetizer, the full course is sure to satiate, too. We’ve gotten a taste and we’re bound to be coming back for more.
Written by Aly Eleanor