Born and raised in London, but carving out the beginning pieces of her musical career in Brighton, the theatrical Opal Mag is clearly heavily inspired by the sound of some truly classic acts.
With a baseline that immediately recalls the glorious bombast of Arcade Fire’s Rebellion (Lies), Love To See You Shine gets off to a good, albeit slightly subdued, start. Very soon we’re introduced to buzzsaw guitars that have more in common with Smashing Pumpkins than anything indie, and finally the vocal comes into play. By this point the vibe is well established – 1990s indebted female-fronted alt rock. And quite tasty it is too – it reminds us of early Juliana Hatfield, The Breeders or Belly.
Thematically, the song feels like a bit of an audio coming of age, as we listen to the protagonist’s realisation that someone who perhaps they previously perceived one way is coming out of their shell and embracing another one altogether. Opal loves to see the person in question shine – as the title suggests – and the song acts as a celebration of personal development. The artist hopes that others will adopt a similar approach themselves – and that the tune will encourage other to celebrate their own “wins”.
The b-side – Looking For – begins at full speed – a speed from which it never deviates – and recalls the sounds of, perhaps, a slightly earlier age than the first song. Part New Order, part Mazzy Star, all enchanting and ethereal. This is a hazy, dreamlike, indie-pop tune that is arty and ambitious in its application. It’s supremely catchy and well-crafted and is a fantastic introduction to an artist that we will be keeping keen eyes (and ears) on.
Written by Kinda Grizzly