Single: Simple Minded Symphony – Off On Bitter Ends

Simple Minded Symphony is one of the most talented bands around. Their songwriting is phenomenal, and every single member is a master of their instrument. Their self-titled album last year was one of my albums of the year. They are simply incredible, and a few weeks ago, they started posting clips of all the different members recording their parts in the studio for an unmonitored song. Now, that song is complete and released as a true single. There is no album attached; it is just a single song that they wrote and decided to record and share with the world in between albums. Just because they are only releasing a single doesn’t mean they weren’t giving their fans a lot to digest, as this one song clicks in at a full 6 minutes of delicious music.

“Off On Bitter Ends” is a bit of a departure for Simple Minded Symphony, but not really a significant one. Traditionally, Simple Minded Symphony is a ska band, but their version of ska has always been extremely “mathy” and complex and far from traditional ska or even ska punk. For the first time, they have left ska completely out of the song, but they didn’t really stray far in their sound. In fact, this track has a lot in common with the final song on their last album (and their last single), “Overcast”, and that is one of my favorite songs they have ever written. It’s little surprise that I absolutely love this song.

The music on this track feels a little thick and perhaps a little dark- although I would be hard-pressed to define why either of those adjectives come to mind, it doesn’t feel lighthearted or simple or poppy. As always, there is incredible instrumentation that is punctuated by the best bass guitar that I know of. Add in a complex composition, amazing guitar, and an outstanding 3 piece horn section that adds layers and texture throughout the song, and I love it. I’m always blown away by these songs because Simple Minded Symphony finds a way to write 6-minute songs that are constantly evolving, always sound fresh throughout the song, and never feel like they last as long as they do.

To me, the lyrics in this song feel like a break up of a long-term relationship where the protagonist slowly lost their connections with their friends over the course of the relationship, and the song is about feeling lost and a desire to rebuild the relationships they neglected along the way- but sometimes I create meanings to songs that fit my own life experiences rather than the actual message of the song. Regardless of what it is actually about, the execution is flawless. The harmonized vocals in the last half of the song really pull me in.

I am both overjoyed to get to enjoy this song, and greedily left wanting for more. I don’t know what’s next for Simple Minded Symphony, but I’ll be excitedly waiting whatever it is.

Written by Gimp Leg