SINGLE: Good Gestalt – Ride Back Home

To quote the band themselves, Good Gestalt make, “guitar music to drive to, clean your toilet to, and everything in between”. Without wishing to suggest that I am in agreement with the band, potentially doing them a disservice, I can’t help but understand where they are coming from. Recent offering, and debut single, ‘Ride Back Home’, has a universality to it that would really suit any situation. It is scuzzy, yet you can quite clearly sing along; the relentless use of tempo change keeps the music, and the listener, on its toes; and the multitude of genres that the band are able inhabit makes them nothing but awe inspiring. ‘Ride Back Home’ is a cacophonous riot of a song, one that makes you feel as if you are sharing the fun the band surely had piecing it all together. 

Good Gestalt are a young band, yet their debut single would suggest that they have had something brewing for a long time. ‘Ride Back Home’, feels like a release, an acknowledgement of putting an idea to paper, and it coming out just as intended. For a good and loud stomping session (with a side of yelling), this debut release is just the thing. 

Written by Callum Foulds