Hesitant’s recent album, seasons of grief

Brooklyn’s, Hesitant’s recent album, seasons of grief explores the emotional aftermath after losing a long-time musical partner and close friend, using chunky guitar riffs, and immaculate vocal yearning. Released digitally back in December, the album has received a beautiful physical cassette release, courtesy of Pleasure Tapes. 

seasons of grief, the follow up to 2022’s detritus, is an album that not only tugs at the heart strings, but gets the head banging. It’s unexpectedly heavy, shown clearest on track 2, “lost grace”, which opens with an ethereal, yet dreamy chugging guitar moment, bearing a likeness to grunge legends’, Soundgarden’s, “Taree” from 2012’s King Animal. The record is a clear act of devotion to such bands. The production is immaculate, deftly making Hesitant’s musicianship shine (Brandon Resse, the name behind the project, is credited to have sang, played guitar, bass, and drums on the record). 

My favourite track, “just say no to never”, falls into the shoegaze field, sounding somewhere between Slowdive’s, “Star Roving”, and Drop Nineteens, “Winona”; again, showing influence from the very best in their respective genres. However, just past the halfway mark the song takes a turn, with a breakdown that would make modern day grunge leaders, The Pretty Reckless, swoon with envy. It is in these moments that seasons of grief really engages with the listener, giving them something to hold on to, and get excited about returning to. 

I am thoroughly impressed by this body of work. Hesitant’s craft is strong, and a point of view of turning grunge on its head, making work that is pretty out of ferocity, is nothing short of inspiring. If you enjoy the grand scale of shoegaze at it’s haziest, as well as grunge at it’s heaviest, then you should definitely pick up a copy of seasons of grief by, Hesitant. 

Written by Callum Folds