I’ll be honest: I don’t speak French, so as I listened to this album, I found myself completely in the dark about the lyrics. To gain a clearer understanding of what the artists were expressing, I took the time to copy the lyrics from their Bandcamp page and translated them. This effort allowed me to connect more deeply with the songs. Additionally, I found it helpful to read a section from the press release, which provided further context and insights into the themes and intentions behind the music.
“Rosier’s second LP “elle veille encore” is a bittersweet ode to motherly spirits – a soft-spoken poem that reflects on themes of maternal nature. While researching and collecting folk songs, Rosier unearthed a tapestry of maternal stories – some beautifully familiar, others unsettlingly so. The tales on this record delve into the multifaceted depiction of mothers – both mother figures, and those connected by blood – in an attempt to dissect the true meaning of this sacred bond. Comfort, abandonment, death, consolation, illusion, and punishment float through this 9-track record.“

I have been listening to this beautiful folk album on repeat for the past couple of days. I have listened to it more than 10 times because I am totally captivated by the melodies of this Canadian, Montreal-based band. The album is a mixture of indie folk with indietronica or dream pop, but together, they create an ethereal atmosphere that is so special that I needed to revisit it over and over. I am trying to find the right works, but the press release helps me once again:
“The record weaves a carefully collaged soundscape of strummy guitars, shimmering synths, deconstructed beats, vintage DX7 samples, field recordings, upright piano, and layers of breathy vocals in French and English. Much like the storytelling in the record, the quintet’s arrangements shift from soft and luminous tracks to dense, more distressed musical moments. Pieced together in the last 2 years,” elle veille encore” stands as the band’s most introspective and personal record to date.”
One of my absolute favorite tracks is “N’as-tu jamais vu d’oiseaux?” It is also available as a lyric video.
The member of the band, Béatrix, shared more details about the song as well:
“I was listening to Lomelda’s masterpiece ‘Hannah’ on repeat. Some of her beats reminded me of traditional québécois foot percussion (pretty far-fetched, but I think there’s something there…). I was feeling very inspired by the lo-fi alt-pop sounds of modern singer-songwriters and wanted to play around with it in a rootsy-Rosier way. I made a demo of this mother-daughter dialogue with a scratchy nylon string, a cheap DI’ed electric guitar, an old digital drum machine, and a timid combo of French and English. In April last year we converted an Airbnb chalet in Sainte-Adèle, Quebec, into a makeshift studio and finished the track, overlooking a frozen lake.”
I find myself at a loss for words when trying to convey the profound impact this album has on me. However, I can confidently say it’s among the best I’ve encountered on this blog this year. Perhaps it’s the hauntingly beautiful vocals, the distinctive atmosphere that each song envelops you in, the intricate use of instruments, or the masterful arrangements—whatever the combination, Rosier has crafted a stunningly dreamy folk album that will ensnare you from the very first listen.
As I immersed myself in this musical journey, I lost track of time, each moment spent listening blossoming into pure enjoyment. With every play, I discover new, rich layers within the sound that deepen the experience, making it even more enchanting. Although I do not speak French, this might just be my favorite album sung in that language. The way the words flow so seamlessly with the ethereal quality of the music is nothing short of mesmerizing.
I anticipate savoring this beauty for days to come, as it will become a staple in my daily routine. I yearn to recapture the goosebumps I felt during my initial listen. There’s something truly magical about music, and I relish those moments when it moves me as profoundly as this album has. I am left utterly speechless, drifting away into the enchanting realm of Rosier, a place where melodies and dreams intertwine, leading me to a fairyland of auditory bliss.
Written by Rosier