Single: Gum Parker – Hive

The perfect anthem for the anxious-minded introvert is here. This newest single from Gum Parker called Hive is near and dear to my heart, as I’ve frequently let my own introversion negatively impact my mental health and experiences. 

As Gum Parker has mentioned, this song was conceived during a day where they let their low mood keep them from seeing a nearby live show they had already purchased tickets for. 

I’ve had this exact experience happen to me 4 or 5 times in the past two years. You buy concert tickets, you’re pumped, and then as the day draws nearer your anxiety increases. The day finally arrives and your brain convinces you it would be safer to stay in, keeping you trapped in your self-made prison.

Personally, if I could go back and change the outcome of those days, I would. I’ve missed out on shows from some of my favorites, including; Heart Attack Man, Origami Angel, Arm’s Length, and so many more just because I let my anxiety take the driver’s seat.

I resonate perfectly with the lyrics, “I got too cold to leave my bed / I pulled the sheets over my head”, as I’ve found myself anchored to my room when I should be driving to the once-in-a-lifetime show with my friends. 

As of this year, I told myself I’m no longer letting my anxiety or intrusive thoughts ruin experiencing music, as it’s just too important to me. The “what if’s” end up being void of any truth or probability, so I might as well cast them to the side and enjoy a night out in the company of friends.

The guitar riffs and violent drums propel this track forward as I imagine myself watching Gum Parker perform this live amongst a head-banging crowd of fans. The vocals are unique and in line with my personal preferences; incredibly raw and authentic.

Their debut album, “The Brakes”, releases in April of this year, and this single is but a small taste of what’s to come from Gum Parker. Check it out and remember that you have the ability to overcome that voice in your head and to have one of the best nights of your life!

Written by Newt Fangs