3 Discoveries of Lukas Foote No. 3

Tonight I had an epiphany. It was as if an enormous, hazy cloud was lifted from my vision and my thoughts were clearer. I instantly felt the need to rush back to my Mac and beginning banging away at yet, another 3 Discoveries. Maybe it was the Hank Moody Blundstone’s I copped that inspired me, or it was taking a break from binge watching Seinfeld, but I finally found some time to type.

Lately, I haven’t been enthused on many musical releases, with the exception of a few-track EP’s. I’ve found myself recently searching through my Father’s old CD collection in hopes of finding old tunes, but new for me. That in it’s self has been pretty amusing. However, between rummaging through old classic Dad-Rock that our parents probably got high to in the 80’s, and the music that’s happening down in Atlanta, without further adieu- here are my 3 Discoveries of this week:

Hell or High Water by David Duchovny

David Duchovny: AKA Hank Moody/Fox Mulder/Denise Bryson/J.P Prewitt. Whether you may know him as an alcoholic novelista federal agent that battles extraterrestrialstransgendered FBI agent or a deranged hand model, you can now add musician to the list because Duchovny now has formed a rather trite Dad-Rock band. David Duchovny’s self-titled band is to release a début LP entitled “Hell or High Water” (a term that I have also heard from my newfie Father use about to participate in a pub-crawl). David Duchovny’s band, which is backed by the Berklee College of Music, could be described as Americana-Classic Rock with the vocal melody similar to one of a Kurt Vile. What I find really appeasing about David Duchovny’s band is that Duchovny isn’t trying to play rock star. And by that I mean David Duchovny admits that he isn’t really a “true musician”, but rather just a guy who can strum a couple chords. It’s pretty cool that he views his newly formed band as just another extension of his artistic creativity and nothing more or nothing less.

Below is the self-titled single of his new record due out this spring.

The L-Shaped Man by Ceremony

When I first heard the singles simultaneously released off The L-Shaped Man – The Separation + The Understanding I was very much intrigued. The simple, yet catchy guitar riff had me captivated. Then once Your Life in France was dropped, I begun to notice the pattern that I hoped the whole L-Shaped Man album would be. That pattern being simplistic drums, deep bass, repetitive guitar riffs and droning vocals. That sentence isn’t meant to be satirical; I honestly hoped the whole album would be similar to the two singles. The L-Shaped man came out May 15th on Matador Records and has been on repeat ever since on my Spotify. Despite the incredibly low Pitchfork Review of 3.3, I believe this album is a tentative release from the Rohnet Park band. What’s really interesting about Ceremony that I particularly like is how each album they release is completely different from the previous. If you take a look at where the band is at today since Violence Violence, its rather note worthy and needs to be acknowledged. I personally think where Ceremony’s new sound is at today is the best it’s ever been.

The Crucifixion of Rapper, Extraordinaire Slug Christ by Slug † Christ

This pick in rap this month is straight from the ATL, and apparently I’ve been sleeping on the rap scene in Atlanta, Georgia. Slug Christ is a white, redneck-looking Southern Georgian rapper. Solely based on appearance, you wouldn’t think so however. Slugga is part of the Atlanta based record label: Awful Records, from whom home such up and coming artists of 2015 like Father, Keith Spacebar and most notably ILoveMakkonnen. Slug Christs’ raps however aren’t for anyone. He has a unique homegrown style. He admits that his style of rap isn’t for most people so you either love it or hate it. Slug Christ’s raps could be described as a guy that takes too much xanax and has some deep-rooted depression issues. Slug’s latest release on May 5th titled: The Crucifixion of Rapper, Extraordinaire Slug Christ is a third follow up to his other mixtapes: IGLESIA: Olde Testament and I feel the Sadness in My Legs and The Happy in My Head. Slug Christ in Rapper, Extraordinaire is finally self-proclaimed “crucified”, where as the other two earlier releases were just preludes leading up to his crucifixion. As you can tell, Slug is a pretty eccentric and dramatic type of dude. But between the visuals that accompany him in his music videos and his original delivered rap flow, Slug Christ is one to convert to.

Text by Lukas Foote

Issue #6 of Discoveries